Gravity PDF 6.3.1: Important Security Update + Performance and Bug Fixes

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We’ve just released Gravity PDF 6.3.1 which includes an important security fix, as well as performance and bug fixes. Make sure you keep Gravity PDF updated to avoid any issues 👍

This update is available via WordPress One-Click Updates, or the plugin can be downloaded from and installed manually via File Upload or FTP.

We’re constantly working to improve Gravity PDF to provide our users with the best experience. We want to thank all the users for reporting these issues. It’s your direct feedback that makes Gravity PDF grow bigger and better!

 If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to our friendly support team.


Security Update

  • Prevent potential XSS attack by escaping URL returned from add_query_args() on the PDF List or PDF Form Settings pages

Performance Update

  • Reduce I/O operations when flushing the mPDF cache by excluding the top-level directory

Developer Change

  • Apply gfpdf_current_form_object filter added in 6.3.0 to the form object in Helper_Abstract_Fields.php using the $type helper_abstract_fields.

Bug Fixed

  • Correctly display the file path in the logs when cleaning up PDFs from disk or flushing the mPDF cache
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