Previewer 1.2.9 Update

Gravity PDF Previewer Add-on 1.2.9 (Image)

We’re constantly working to improve Gravity PDF to provide our users with the best experience. We’ve just released Previewer 1.2.9 which fixes a bug that causes a display issue during Multisite Subdirectory installations.


Bug Fixed

  • Adjust relative PDF URL to account for Multisite subdirectory usage
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Start using the Previewer Add-on today!

If you’ve already purchased the Previewer Add-on, you can update via WordPress One-Click Updates, or download the latest version from your Gravity PDF account page and install it on your website. For more details, check out the Previewer Add-on documentation.

Thanks to all the users who have given us feedback on how to improve the Previewer Add-on. It’s your continued support that makes Gravity PDF bigger and better.

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