We’re constantly working to improve Gravity PDF to provide our users with the best experience. Watermark 1.2.0 is now available and includes a single (but important) new feature: support for Gravity PDF 6.0-beta1.
To users who are currently testing out the Gravity PDF 6.0-beta1, you can now use the Watermark Add-on without any issues. If you’re not part of the beta test, but want to join in, you can download Gravity PDF 6.0.0-beta1 here, then provide feedback on your experience.
- Feature: Add support for Gravity PDF 6.0
If you’ve already purchased the Watermark Add-on, you can update via WordPress One-Click Updates, or download the latest version from your Gravity PDF account page and install it on your website. For more details, check out the Watermark Add-on documentation.