Gravity PDF 6.7: Quality of Life Improvements

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Gravity 6.7 is a quality-of-life release focused on those annoying little bugs that don’t usually get a look in, and you eventually give up and learn to live with ’em. Well to that, we say “Yeah, nah

A niggling issue that could trip people up was ensuring the Filename’s uniqueness for all PDFs configured in a form. If you had multiple PDFs with the same name, one PDF would override the other when attaching to Notifications. That limitation has been removed in 6.7.

Screenshot of the Entry Details page highlighting the PDF metabox with two PDFs using the same file name.

We’ve also made Gravity PDF a little more secure by using Gravity Forms obfuscated links for File Upload and Post Image fields in Core and Universal templates. For developers, we’ve added these secure URLs to the $form_data array for use with custom PDF templates.

If you’ve configured a lot of PDFs, you might have noticed that if you hard-refresh right after saving a new document, you wouldn’t continue editing that newly-saved PDF. Instead, a blank Add PDF page is loaded. This experience goes against the normal page refresh experience, so in 6.7 we ensured you’ll remain on the Edit PDF page.

In Gravity PDF 6.4, we did a lot of security hardening of the software. One of these changes saw us late-escape the HTML for valid and safe Radio and Checkbox labels defined by some Universal templates. These settings are not user-defined, so we’ve switching from esc_html() to wp_kses_post() in 6.7 to fix the display issues.

Finally, we resolved an error introduced in our last update for users running older versions of Gravity Forms (2.5 or below)

How to Update Gravity PDF

This update is available via WordPress One-Click Updates, or the plugin can be downloaded from and installed manually via File Upload or FTP.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to our friendly support team.


New Features

  • Add support for multiple PDFs with the same Filename on a single form
  • Use secure links for File Upload and Post Image fields in Core and Universal PDFs
  • Developer Feature: Include secure links in $form_data array for File Upload and Post Image fields

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix backwards compatibility error when running a version of Gravity Forms less that 2.6
  • Allow sanitized HTML in the labels of Radio and Checkbox admin settings
  • Remain editing current PDF if a hard refresh occurs after adding a new PDF to the form.
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