In this update we’ve resolved a couple compatibility issues when v2 or 3 of the PSR-3 Logger library is bundled with third-party plugins. We’ve also tweaked the HTTP Response Status Codes used for specific errors when viewing PDFs.
It likely won’t mean much to regular users, but for like-minded developers, dependency conflicts with other plugins who use composer aren’t uncommon. That’s why Gravity PDF prefixes the namespace for most libraries we use. For technical reasons I won’t bore you with, the PSR-related libraries were not prefixed, and seven years later that decision began causing users to report third-party plugin conflicts – not a bad run as far as software goes!
The simplest solution would be prefixing the namespace of all libraries Gravity PDF uses. That’s probably what we’ll do in the future; but in a major release where breaking-changes are more palatable, and not snuck into a point release like this one. For now, we’ve tweaked our namespace prefixing system to fix common errors with the PSR-3 library.
The other adjustment we’ve made is to the HTTP Response Status Code that is returned when an error occurs viewing a PDF. Instead of using the 500 Internal Server Error for everything, we’ve added 400, 401, and 403 response codes, and reserved the 500 code for errors that are actually caused by an issue on the server. That should help make our Server Administrator friends a little happier. 🙂
How to Update Gravity PDF
This update is available via WordPress One-Click Updates, or the plugin can be downloaded from and installed manually via File Upload or FTP.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to our friendly support team.
- Use 4xx HTTP Status Codes for non-server related errors when generating PDFs
Bug Fix
- Improve dependency conflicts with third party plugins who bundle PSR Log v2 or v3