We’re constantly working to improve Gravity PDF to provide our users with the best experience. To that end, last week we published the point release Gravity PDF 5.3.3 which includes bug fixes and some housekeeping changes. Most importantly, the update is compatible with WordPress 5.6!
Bugs Fixed
- Fix PHP notice when no valid form or entry passed when processing merge tags
- Make PDF generation background processing task unrecoverable so rest of the queue isn’t executed during a failure
- Always parse Core Font payload as JSON, even if server doesn’t respond as such
- Fix a PHP 8 notice (note: the plugin is not guaranteed to be 100% PHP 8-compatible at this time)
- Adjust log level to ‘notice’ for optional template configuration “file not found” message
- Replace most deprecated jQuery code with new recommendations
- Update EDD licensing class to v1.8 (for premium add-ons)
- Update composer-managed dependencies
- Make API error messages translatable
This update is available via WordPress One-Click Updates, or the plugin can be downloaded from WordPress.org and installed manually via File Upload or FTP. If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to our friendly support team.
We want to thank all the users for reporting these issues. It’s your direct feedback that makes Gravity PDF grow bigger and better.
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