Gravity PDF 6.6 Update: New Feature, Housekeeping, and Fixes

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In the 6.6 release we’ve significantly improved how ungrouped pricing fields are displayed in Core and Universal PDF templates. Individual Product fields now include the quality and subtotal (if more than 1). Also, the pricing for any associated Options have been removed (as that amount is already included in the Product field). And Coupon fields now display the discount received, and not just the coupon code used. For Core Booster extension users (and developers) who have ungrouped the product table, these combined updates make it clearer what and how much people have ordered

Image showing a PDF with detailed information of ungrouped product fields.

This releases also sees a new developer filter gfpdf_hide_consent_field_if_empty added, which can be used to hide Gravity Forms Consent field from Core/Universal templates if a user has not given their consent. The default behavior of a Consent field is to display whether a user has given consent or not.

In addition, Gravity PDF 6.6 sees many PHP and JS dependencies updates, as well as a couple of bug fixes. For a full overview of the changes, read the changelog below.

How to Update Gravity PDF

This update is available via WordPress One-Click Updates, or the plugin can be downloaded from and installed manually via File Upload or FTP.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to our friendly support team.


New Feature

  • Improve display of ungrouped product fields in Core and Universal templates
  • Developer Feature: Add gfpdf_hide_consent_field_if_empty filter, to remove the Consent field from Core and Universal templates if a user hasn’t consented


  • Update PHP and JS dependencies

Bugs Fixed

  • Remove Section Break description container is there is not a description included
  • Fix potential PHP error when using GravityView and PDF for GravityView
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